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Table Data_Cut Paste in right order using VBA



I am facing problem to in line all the project numbers (6 digit alpha numeric) in orange table. The project numbers are consists 6-digit alphanumeric number, which needs to be in line like green table I put in place just beside of the orange one.


1) Project numbers can be any column in between A – D.

2) Pattern of the alphanumeric number can be anything.i.e. Starts with two numeric, end with one alphabet or two.

3) When project number get in place , it should be place with other data like Customer name, Qty. and Amount

4) The original data set is huge and not fixed. I mean the row number.

I want that macro will check every column, which consists 6-digit alphanumeric number and put in place like green table.



  • Pject.xlsx
    8.9 KB · Views: 3
How to know to which column belongs other than 'Project No.'s?
- Customer Names .. Items .. INDEX .. ID
- Sr. No. .. Qty .. Amount
is there clear rule?
Hi vletm,

The column which is only has the title as Project No. should for all alpha numeric numbers. However when its trying to cut and paste the whole data it should be cut paste the data from alpha numeric to amount and re-organise from project number column to amount.

Hope this is answer of your question.

Hi !

According to the attachment, wrong is your point 2)

You must correct it and share at least the algorithm
you have found after analyzing your need …
uday ... of course that was an answer ... but ...
1) Project numbers can be any column in between A – D.
In Your 'Green' Result, which Project No is in 1st...4th column (A-D) > 5th?
2) Pattern of the alphanumeric number can be anything.i.e. Starts with two numeric, end with one alphabet or two. 66NN22 seems match, others?
3) When project number get in place , it should be place with other data like Customer name, Qty. and Amount This could match, if not work with whole data.
I really apologies for my bad explanation.

Here are the things:

1) Project numbers can be any column in between A – D.
In Your 'Green' Result, which Project No is in 1st...4th column (A-D) > 5th?
- In my Orange table Project number BC8899 in D column which has been moved to Column O (Project No.). The whole data set D3:G3 has to move with project number.

2) Pattern of the alphanumeric number can be anything.i.e. Starts with two numeric, end with one alphabet or two. 66NN22 seems match, others?
- I have just mentioned the probability of alphanumeric data type. However I have not included any pattern mentioned in my Table. This has been corrected now.

3) When project number get in place , it should be place with other data like Customer name, Qty. and Amount This could match, if not work with whole data.
- Here I wants to move the whole data set along with the project number in column O in green table. The example of data set here are D3:G3, D5:G5,A7:D7. In green table this has been placed in O3:R3, O5:R5:, A7:R7.

The main purpose should be place all the data align with their own project number in correct order like green table.

The data which has been already in place like E2:H2, E2:H5 etc dont need to place in right order as there already in right place.

Please see my revised attached file per Marc L.



  • Pject.xlsx
    8.9 KB · Views: 2
Press [ Do It ]
It would do something...
... I hope no matter of colors
... ... org Sheet1 is for reference - can delete!


  • Pject (1).xlsb
    18.3 KB · Views: 3
Thanks it is working. But I cant see the macro and vba code. Can you please share it as well? Really want to learn.