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System Error &H80004005...Out of Memory...Run-time error 7

When I'm in VBE > VBAProject and double-click on the userform, I get the following error:
System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259). Unspecified error
Click OK
Out of memory
Click OK

If I set my cursor within the userform code itself and click on run, I get this:
System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259). Unspecified error
Click OK
System Error &H80004005 (-2147467259). Unspecified error
Click OK
Out of memory
Click OK
Run-time error '7': Could not find the specified object

I made a lot of updates to the file today and now I'm afraid of losing all of it if I close the file.
Any ideas?
Hello, did you reboot the computer ?​
If still the issue so the UserForm seems damaged. Hoping you can restart from a backup or a class module export.​
As an UserForm is often useless …​
Hi Marc L,
I haven't rebooted yet because I looked at the version history and the latest version was at 11:45 AM. If I go back to that time, I'll have lost 4+ hours of work.
When I right click on the userform and try to export nothing happens. I've copied all of the code, so I won't lose that.
Guess, I may have to convert to the earlier version and reboot.
Do you know if there is stuff that can cause this to happen?
The classic : using ActiveX rather than Forms object, too many objects used in the UserForm …​
As Excel is the worst Application I know according to memory management, as it needs to load all in memory​
so a concern can be a bad VBA code filling the memory and not releasing object variables.​
The reason why sometimes it's better to close Excel than let it opened all the work day.​
Another concern is specific to Excel 365 which has versions not very reliable like again it occurs these days :​
Well, I was able to recover from 3:11 PM, which is much better than I thought I could.

You mentioned ActiveX vs Forms objects. I don't believe I'm using any ActiveX. I'm using some of the controls from here...
I'm using 365 too, soI'll keep that in mind.
As it's not the same layout than the older Excel versions I use so I don't know​
but maybe another one using Excel 365 may confirm what kind of controls they are.​
Currently at least two Excel 365 versions have issues with UserForms !​
Like two decades ago when the issues final conclusion was for some pro context to avoid pivot like UserForm as well.​
From time to time with Ms Office : one day, one issue …​
Sorry for the delayed response. I added an image to the UserForm and hyperlinked it to a guide so Users can click on it to get more information if needed. I think that is when all hell broke loose. I had no choice but to lose the work I did. Luckily, it wasn't as painful as I anticipated. I also moved this test file from my PC to my Teams folder so it auto-saves.
I wish I could say definitively what caused it, because it could help others. I've not added the image/hyperlink back in at this point and the file seems to be buzzing along fine. Thank you all for your input!
As a reminder most of the time an UserForm is useless and a common source of issues …​
An UserForm may well work on several computers but not on others with exactly the same original workbook​
even under the same Excel & Windows version.​
As it depends on the purpose …​
I saw so many gas factory VBA procedures using useless Userform rather than operating directly the worksheets,​
why re-inventing the wheel with the risk of a square one ?!​