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Syntax problem in the SORT function

Hello the forum,
I need help to solve a problem of syntax in the SORT function in VBA.
I want to sort the contents of a spreadsheet based on a criterion selected from a dropdown list. The sequence of items in the list corresponds to the sequence of column headings.
So I set the column to sort by the statement:
ColToSort = wksh.Range(Cells (5, dd.ListIndex)
  • wksh = ActiveSheet
  • dd.ListIndex the rank of the selection in the drop down list = column heading.
  • 5 = the row containing the column headings.
When I specify the "Key:= Range" in
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:= Range (ColToSort) _
SortOn: = xlSortOnValues​​, Order: = xlAscending, DataOption: = xlSortNormal
A message "Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed" appears.
By cons, if I write
ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Sort.SortFields.Add Key: = Range ("C5"), _
SortOn: = xlSortOnValues​​, Order: = xlAscending, DataOption: = xlSortNormal
No error appears.
Could a member of the forum advice me on how to write the variable ColToSort.
Thanks in advance

Hallo Debraj,
In the referenced link I found the solution on my syntax problem.
Just add .adress for the variable ColToSort.
I saw also that you where learning french. So I conclude this thread with
Grand merci pour la réponse pertinente.
Have a nice day

@Marc L
Toujours... eh bien, vous n'avez pas réalisé qui Debraj(ex-Roy) il suit mes traces?
PS: Pas seulement le Français, j'ai lu de plusieus langues asiatiques aussi, un peu d'espagnol, ... urbi et orbi)

Always... well, haven't you realized yet that Debraj(ex-Roy) follows my footsteps?
PS: Not only French, I've read many Asian languages too, a bit of Spanish, ... urbi et orbi)

Hi, foreigner!
Haven't you noticed yet that if you write in a language other than English -and only exceptionally- you should provide the English translation as well? And it was you whom I read in other exotic (for me) idioms... so this shouldn't be the 1st time I write something alike, is it?
PS: If required :confused: you could ask a Ninja ;) or a staff :p member how to proceed... :D :oops: o_O