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Sumproduct - Weighted average interest rate (Multiple coloumn)


New Member
Hii guys...

i have a file containing outstanding balance,interest rates and maturity for deposits received. Deposits are classified on the basis of there maturity period viz 0-30, 31-90, and 91-120 days. Further deposits are also categorized on the basis of there group viz retail and corporate. I need a formula to calculate weighted average interest rate for each combination. ex weighted average rate for retail deposits falling under 0-30 days.

Catch is i need a single formula which i can use for all other combinations also...(something similar to formula i have used to calculate outstanding balance for each combinations)

Sample File is attached at below link..


Could you try the following?

Sample data setup

OS Bal	Int Rate	Maturity	Deposit Type
10000	10%	        30	        Retail
20000	20%	        45	        Corporate
50000	30%	        125	        Retail
60000	25%	        25	        Retail
45000	40%	        160	        Corporate
27000	50%	        37	        Retail
14000	60%	        49	        Corporate
13450	70%	        101	        Retail
For ease of reference, I have used the following Named ranges, to refer to the columns/data above:





To calculate the weighted average interest rate (setup in the range K1:P3)

Type	        0	31	91	121	181
Retail	        22.86%	50.00%	70.00%	30.00%	0.00%
Corporate	0.00%	36.47%	0.00%	40.00%	0.00%
In the above results, 0 represents "0-30", 31 represents "31-90", etc.

The values are calculated using the following formula (shown for cell L2):

=IFERROR(SUMPRODUCT((DepType=$K2)*(LOOKUP(Maturity,$L$1:$P$1)=L$1)*OSBal*IntRate)/SUMPRODUCT(OSBal*(DepType=$K2)*(LOOKUP(Maturity,$L$1:$P$1)=L$1)), 0)

Copy to the other cells.

