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SUMPRODUCT variable?


Is there sometimes something wrong with using D as a variable?

The formula works great for other letters I'm using except D

I even used find and replace to replace all of the D's to DD or Team D and it found and replaced 36 D's.

Then of course adjust the formula but then the formula only finds 6.

I even thought that maybe a space before or after might be an issue so I did a copy and paste to all 36 cells to no avail

Hi ,

The way your parentheses are placed , did you mean :


What exactly do you want to get from this formula ?

Even with Narayank's correction, I'm not sure what the formula is trying to do. If you're just counting the number of D's, formula would be:


If you're wanting to know how many rows have a "D" in col F and col M, formula is:

sorry, i am using it to count the "D" or whatever letter or letters

from the sounds of the post i would be better off using countif