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Sumproduct formula failure [SOLVED]


New Member
I have used this formula in the past to check whether a condition was true in two columns. (Excel 2003) and it seemed to work fine.

I am trying to count the number of times I have the term 'R1' in column A, and the term 'Onshore' in column I.

=SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("R1",'Process Extract'!$A$2:$A$10000))),--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Offshore",'Process Extract'!$I$2,$I$10000))))

I think the problem might lie in the fact that the terms R1 and Onshore are not embedded in longer strings.

Any help would be appreciated.
In the last bit:

Process Extract'!$I$2,$I$10000

You need a colon between the 2 cells to specify a range, not a comma.
Hi Phuzzy,

This was a simple one but let me tell you that this MAN is has PHD in Sum product. i never seen a person like Luke who can exploit the sum product in so many ways that we even can not think of.