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based on the attached sheet.

In colomn A there are 2 groups "Homw and Work", I need an excel formula which provide me the summation for all cost values in colomn D for each group, even if I insert a row unded each group it should be automaticaly calculate the new cost value.

the first group summation should be in cell D2 and the second in D13.


  • Summation.csv
    163 bytes · Views: 6


There is same challenge as with Your previous thread
You've attached .csv-file - instead of an Excel-file.
... or ...
Where do You expect to get .... an excel formula in Your .csv-file?
What are Your expected results?
If You'll new rows in Your .csv-file ... do You need new costs at once?
Ps. You seems to skipped to comment some of Your previous thread solutions too.


There is same challenge as with Your previous thread
You've attached .csv-file - instead of an Excel-file.
... or ...
Where do You expect to get .... an excel formula in Your .csv-file?
What are Your expected results?
If You'll new rows in Your .csv-file ... do You need new costs at once?
Ps. You seems to skipped to comment some of Your previous thread solutions too.
I shared an excel file and the total cost for group "Home" in cell D2 and equals 40, and the group "Work" in cell D13 and equals 50.
once adding new row under any of groups I need to add its cost to the previous cost.


  • Summation.xlsx
    10.2 KB · Views: 3