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Summarizing Data from Multiple Sheets

I am a job cost accountant, and my boss wants a spreadsheet which shows on sheet 1 the important data from all proceeding sheets. For Example, sheet 1 cell A1 is label Job Number, A2:A7 will show the job numbers which are found on sheet2:sheet7 cell C1. In the past I've just manually associated each new job with the summary screen, but as jobs are picking up this time of year I need a more efficient way to add rows of summary data from new sheets added to excel. Can someone please show me an efficient way to add new job data?

I have never used VBA before so if your answer includes VBA scripting please explain how to use it.


The Doctor
Hi, The Doctor!

I've just seen this unanswered post, please check if attached file works:


It doesn't use VBA, only Excel formulas INDIRECT and OFFSET.
