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Summarising data from a number of Spreadsheets into one Spreadsheet


New Member
I have a workbook with a number of spreadsheets with similar data for a single parameter(name) for each date. Now want to collect data for a single date for all the names into one worksheet. I tried to use vlookup to select the necessary data and dump into into the summary worksheet using a single formula formulating the name of worksheet dynamically using the value in a cell where the name is entered in worksheet dealing with each name. Can somebody in this forum help me?

Thank you,


I wnnt clarify more about my requiremen: I am trying to use the value returned by a formuls, in VLOOKUP formuls but it is not using the value returned by the embedded formula. How to make it work?

Thank you,

You might be able to find what you need here:


Look under the Copy/Paste/Merge examples.