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Summarise data from multiple sheets

I have this sample file http://www.filedropper.com/book2_2

I would like to summarize i.e. sum up the values in sheets, data 1 and data 2 in the summary sheet using formulas. I have manually put in the values to explain my requirement but I would like to do it automatically. what is the easiest way to do it?

One thing I would like to add that the customers may not be similar in the 2 sheets but the summary sheet will include all the customers
Hi T100,

Why don't you use similar layouts That too will allow you to have customers that are present in one table and not on other, you can just leave that space blank. You can use simple consolidation table??

Or i have misunderstood your question?




Ha ha ha... with similar layouts it's easy... even my neighbor's dog could probably do it... mine's not, he likes ballet rather tan spreadsheets... :)

Hi Faseeh, the first 2 sheets which are called the data sheets are actually dumps taken from SAP. In the sample file I have created the sheets manually so it's not possible to create similar layouts when working with the actual files
Hi Faseeh, just want to add that as per your earlier suggestion I created a similar layout for all the data files and filled the values using "sumproduct". After that I simply added up the values to fill in the summary sheet. So my problem is resolved but if there is an easier and better alternative I am open to it...
Hi T100,

I did't know how many sheets your actual file will have, if that had not been hectic i will suggest you to use your sumproduct solution. Otherwise i will ask SirJB7 to write a macro for you.

Hi Faseeh the actual file had 12 sheets for jan to dec. It was really hectic... took me a whole day to complete it plus now I find there are some errors so now I am sitting and rectifying them