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suming based on criteria on multiple columns

I am trying to count inventory. i have the product in columns F,G,H and so on. I have the parts that make the product in column B. in addition, i use multiple parts in different assemblies to make this part. meaning, i could use a part 2 or 3 times (like screws). I need to create an inventory list going down the product list first and distribute my total inventory on the product in column F. the remaining then goes to column G and so on. and complete the inventory until i have 0 left and allocated starting at Product in column F. any suggestions. the pattern in find all parts in column F, subtract from total inventory, then go to column G, subtract from total inventory and so on until i have no more products left. vba or sumproduct of something of the sort would be of great help.

Thank you.

P.S. unfortunately i cannot provide an example.

I know you said you can't give an example, but hopefully that just meant you can't use the data you are actively using. Would it be possible to create a brief dummy example? Best would be a before-and-after look. So far, all I can pciture from your description is something like this

Parts	Product1	Product2	Product3
Screws	Tables	        Chairs	        Desks
Staples	Reports
Glue	Chairs	         Tables
Wood	Ladders
I'm guessing that there's quantities listed somewhere, but I'm not sure where, nor do I know where the inventory list is being created. Can you elaborate?