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Sumifs with reference to multiple columns having same name


New Member
what to keyin sumrange, where I have sums in 2-3 columns having same column name?
Criteria1:- suppose column names are Mag, Sha, Kic, Din, Mag, Sha.
Criteria 2:- 1,2,3...n.( S.no)

How to key in sumrange if one of my criteria is column names(lying in two-three columns) and other criteria is s.no.?

is there any other method to sum the requisite amount.?
Look into file attached and help me.


  • SUMIFS.xlsb
    9 KB · Views: 21
You could use this method also..

Select the area as selected in Screenshot and go to Formula tab and create the name range as highlighted in no 1 and select check box Left Column as shown in screenshot and after that u can use simple sumif function.