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SUMIFS in 2003


New Member
Hello All,

I know that SUMIFS doesnt exsist in 2003, so I need to rework my formula- I just cant figure out how to fix it!

If I change it to SUMIFS and try it in 2007 it works fine.

=SUMIF((J11:J149="In process")*(B11:B149=A3),I11:I149,0)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi, Amurphy858!

Tried =SUMPRODUCT((J11:J149="In process")*(B11:B149=A3),(I11:I149=0))?

Hi SirJB7,

Unfortunatley, it just outputs "0" instead of adding the same as SUMIFS would.

Thanks for trying though!!

Hi, Amurphy858!

I'd have made a mistake, because it works. What range do you want so sum? B when = A3, and I = 0 and J = In process? I see three conditions, and no range to sum.

Here's the link to a similar problem:


Hi SirJB7,

The original formula is actually: =SUMIF((J11:J149="In process")*(B11:B149=A3),I11:I149,0)

That last part wasnt =0 it was ,0.

But, this formula works perfectly! I just need to find something that replaces SUMIFS!!!!

=SUMIFS(I11:I391,K11:K391,"February",J11:J391,"In process")
Hi, Amurphy858!

Give a try with this:

=SUMPRODUCT((K11:K391="February")*(J11:J391="In process"),(I11:I391))
