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SumIf Logical Condition Not Working


New Member

I am working on creating a skill inventory for the company I work for, in which I have run into a problem trying to use a formula in Excel.

I am trying to retrieve the sum of a range of cells based on the conditions that it is every 3rd row as well as the value of those cells is greater than 1.

This is the formula I am trying to use:


When I break it down, it all makes sense in my head...

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

So the range I would like to insert into the function is H9:H96

The criteria for that range to be evaluated in this function is that it has to be greater than 1 AND the remainder of the row number divided by 3 is equal to 0 (so it is every 3rd row).

And lastly I put in the range I want to sum, in this case it is the same range of the criteria.

There problem seems to lie somewhere within the MOD function, as if I remove this it will give me the sum of all of the cells that are greater than 1, but it will not work when I try for both conditions.

Can anyone help me with this, I cannot seem to get it to do what I am looking for.