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Sum of numbers from a table


New Member
Hi, really looking for some help on what I think will be an easy formula for this forum.

I'm looking to sum a series of numbers that are tied to a specific tranche number.

What is sum of numbers in Column B if A8:19 = 1 and so forth. Thank you so much.
Hi pecoflyer, wanted to follow back up and say thank you again for your help. I'm still getting familiar with certain formulas so this is very helpful for me.

I am also trying to solve for the attached formula. Would love your thoughts on it.

I'm raising capital for this phased condo/hotel development in North Carolina and I need the seller to roll into the deal in a pref equity position.

Thank you.



  • Seller Pref and Rolled Equity Formula.xlsx
    54.6 KB · Views: 2


Do Your other posting have something common with above file?


Do Your other posting have something common with above file?
Hi, yes same as what was posted in the forum. Thanks.