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Sum a list of values starting at a variable record


New Member
I have a table of records, and need to sum every value in column I that occurs AFTER the cell in column A of the same row = "ABCD Pretest". The record for ABCD Pretest is not always in the same row. Every value in column I needs to be summed after that row.

Is there a way to use subtotal or vlookup to sum every value in one column starting after a specific value in the same row but a different column?
Because there are so many different values in the A column, a sumif statement becomes extremely large. Using a table and filter would work but my staff isn't familiar with working with tables. Is there a simpler way to do the same thing as a sumif?

Since it needs to sum everything after the ABCD Pretest value in column A, and nothing before it, I imagine it should be easier than including every possible value to appear in column A in the sumif formula.
Hi, bctyner!

Let's assume your data is in Columns A and I, with header in row 1, ranging from rows 2 thru 16.

In A18 type:


There is included "ABCD Pretest" row, if you want to exclude it, add "+1" unquoted after "MATCH("ABCD Pretest",A:A,0)" within ADDRESS function.

Check if that works for you.

Hi, bctyner!

A border condition usual problem, it doesn't work for exclusion if "ABCD Pretest" is in last row.

So do this:

a) define a named ranged called "DataRangeTable" assigned to rows of A:I columns as needed, so we get rid of the fixed 16 rows in formula

b) modify formula as:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH("ABCD Pretest",A:A,0)),"",IF(MATCH("ABCD Pretest",A:A,0)=ROWS(DataRangeTable);"";SUM(INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(ADDRESS(MATCH("ABCD Pretest",A:A,0),9,2),":",ADDRESS(ROWS(DataRangeTable),9,2))))))

Sorry for the inconvenience.
