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Successively inputting Date on Merge Columns

Hello All,

I have an excel file with merge cells as follows:


1 Jul-12 Sep-12 ?

In the merge column GHI, I want to input Oct-12 (i.e. format is mmm-yy)using a formula. This formula will be successively copied in the next merged columns. Please advice.
Hi, delvillardennis!

Assuming your cells are yet merged and that starting date is in A1 (A1:C1) cell, in D1 type and copy across as needed:

=FIN.MES(A1;0)+1 -----> in english: =EOMONTH(A1,0)+1

Hi, delvillardennis!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.


PS: Malugod bumalik kailanman kailangan o nais... it's correct? :)