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Subtracting Subtotals with in a Pivot Table


New Member
Hi! And thank you for your time! I need to figure out a way to subtract the SUBtotals column from a different SUBtotals column. For example:

If my first column subtotals 20, and my second column subtotals 17, I need the difference in the totals to reflect in my fist column. 20-17=3 (so my first column is showing the difference within the pivot table)
What happened when you used Fred's formula from your previous thread?


I'm pretty sure your question can be solved using the GETPIVOTDATA function, you may just need to become better acquainted with how that function works.
okay, I figured out the GETPIVOTDATA function yesterday..and it worked perfectly :) however, that function only worked for the GRAND TOTALS...I need SUBTOTALS.
The function can do both, it just depends on how many arguements you use in the function. To get started, you might be able to type an = symbol in a blank cell somewhere, and then click on the subtotal number you want in the PivotTable. It should write the GETPIVOTDATA formula for you.