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stringing across duplicate fields


Hello all and a Happy's Fathers Day! Long ago I had received some help (from this group) on stringing across duplicate fields. I use it all the time! Now I have a similar situation. I have duplicate rows based on codes and code descriptors. I know how to do this based on the code but am not able to figure out how to add the descriptors

This is what I can do:

Acct No ~~ Code1~~ Code2

This is what I need

Acct No
code1~~ Code1 Descriptor~~ Code2~~Code2 Descriptor

All of my formulas are included in my example


Thank you in advance!!!!
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood your requirement fully ; however , let me try.

1. For the Code1 Descriptor , the following formula should do the job :


2. For the Code2 Descriptor , the following formula should do the job :

