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String manipulation: Expecting a better solution


Active Member
Hi there! I've made a parser which is pulling e-mail but it is crude. I've refined it already but the code looks messy. Is it the right way I'm doing or any better solution? Thanks in advance.

Crude One: mailto:ben%40holysmokesbbq.com.au?subject=Enquiry%2C%20sent%20from%20yellowpages.com.au&body=%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A------------------------------------------%0AEnquiry%20via%20yellowpages.com.au%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.yellowpages.com.au%2Fvic%2Fballarat-central%2Fholy-smokes-barbecue-1000001786433-listing.html%3Fcontext%3DbusinessTypeSearch%26isTopOfList%3Dtrue%26premiumProductId%3D400005055323

Refined One: ben@holysmokesbbq.com.au

Here is the code:

Set topics = html.getElementsByClassName("contact contact-main contact-email")

For Each topic In topics
    On Error Resume Next
    v = Split(topic.href, "?")
    Cells(x, 1) = Replace(Replace(v(LBound(v)), "mailto:", ""), "%40", "@")
    x = x + 1
Next topic
Personally, I'd use UrlUnescape function from Shell Lightweight Utility functions to convert escape sequences back into regular characters.

You can see how it's used in post#6 in link below.

You'd then use it like below...
For Each topic In topics
    On Error Resume Next
    v = Split(UnEscapeURL(topic.href), "?")
    v = Split(v(0), "mailto:")
    Cells(x, 1) = v(1)
    x = x + 1
Next topic

v(0) is used instead of LBound(v). Since lower bound of base 0 array "v" is always going to be 0.
v(1) since you'd always want the 2nd array element.
Thanks a lot both of you for your invaluable suggestions. It's always a great pleasure to have instructions from vba giants like you two in a single thread.
Dear Marc L, I have made it with "split and double replace function" but can't perform double split. Could you please show me how if it doesn't waste your time. Thanks in advance.

Set topics = html.getElementsByClassName("listing listing-search listing-data")

For i = 0 To topics.Length - 1
Set topic = topics(i)
    On Error Resume Next
    v = Split(Replace(Replace(topic.getElementsByClassName("contact contact-main contact-email")(0).href, "mailto:", ""), "%40", "@"), "?")
    Cells(x, 1) = v(LBound(v))
    x = x + 1
Next i
But both my code, the first one and the last one are faulty. I noticed just now that it also fills in the value irrespective of it is empty. I meant, if A,B,C have values but C,E,F have not and Again G,H,I have values then the function i used always fills in the value of an empty cell with its previous value.
That's because of "On Error Resume Next"

When error occurs, "x = x + 1" isn't performed and does not skip over to next cell.
can't perform double split
Split of Split is Chrüterchraft !​
Sub Demo1()
       Dim oJS As Object, S$
       Set oJS = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
           oJS.Language = "JScript"
           oJS.AddCode "function decode(txt) {return decodeURIComponent(txt);}"
             S = "mailto:ben%40holysmokesbbq.com.au?subject=Enquiry"
    MsgBox oJS.Run("decode", Split(Split(S, "mailto:")(1), "?")(0))
       Set oJS = Nothing
End Sub
@Marc L
OMG!!!! What a demo!!!!!!!!!! This (0),(1) portion used in the end of a split function confused me so many days. It is clear to me now. Thanks a lot.
In case if "mailto:" can be missing you must reverse
Split order like Chihiro's way and test if index #1 exists :​
Sub Demo2()
    Dim oJS As Object, V
    Set oJS = CreateObject("ScriptControl")
        oJS.Language = "JScript"
        oJS.AddCode "function decode(txt) {return decodeURIComponent(txt);}"
              V = "mailto:ben%40holysmokesbbq.com.au?subject=Enquiry"
              V = Split(Split(V, "?")(0), "mailto:")
    If UBound(V) > 0 Then MsgBox oJS.Run("decode", V(1))
    Set oJS = Nothing
End Sub
As you can see On Error Resume Next is useless …
Finally, I got a workaround inspired by both of you. It is working fine now. No duplicates at all.

Sub ausdata()
Const url = "https://www.yellowpages.com.au/search/listings?clue=coffee+shop&locationClue=all+states&lat=&lon=&selectedViewMode=list"
Dim http As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60, html As New HTMLDocument
Dim topics As Object, topic As HTMLHtmlElement
Dim x As Long, i As Long, v As Variant

x = 2

http.Open "GET", url, False
html.body.innerHTML = http.responseText
Set topics = html.getElementsByClassName("contact contact-main contact-email")
For Each topic In topics
    Cells(x, 1) = Replace(Split(Split(topic.href, "mailto:")(1), "?")(0), "%40", "@")
    x = x + 1
Next topic
End Sub
It also does the same:
For Each topic In topics
    Cells(x, 1) = Replace(Replace(Split(topic.href, "?")(0), "mailto:", ""), "%40", "@")
    x = x + 1
Next topic