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Stock price


New Member
I have a list of dates (col a) and closing stock prices (col b) in descending date order. What I am looking to do is take the current stock price and calculate the highest and lowest since value and date. Is the latest price a 3 day 10 day 1 month or possibly two year high or low. I dont have a fixed time range,

Thank you!
Hi, I have attached an example of soybean open interest. The highlighted cells are what I am looking to automatically update. The actual spreadsheet contains roughly 7K rows and 50 columns for each commodity. Every morning I place prelim Open interest figure in cell B2 and want to compare that to running data below. So here I am comparing B2 to B16:B202. Next day I will compare B2 to B15:B202 and so on. I have flexibility if its cleaner to sort old to new rather than new to old. Any ideas/help is MUCH appreciated.


  • High Low OI Sample.xlsx
    12.4 KB · Views: 5
hi, in the attached sheet, you have written the lowest value as 676860 dtd 20-9-19 but the lowest value in the data is 605807 29-7-2019. so I am not able to understanding. pls help