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Stock management

We are required a execl sheet in which following should be maintained:-

1. All distribution should be maintained on the basis of advance payment from distributors. So, Distributors Account.

2. Order received by the Distributors.

3. on the basis of adavnce & order received from the distributors, Good Delivery note should be prepared.

4. Than invoice prepared against good delivery note.

5. All above items should be prepared on daily basis.

6. than all above should be consolidated on monthly basis.

7. the above data should in print out under the heading of "XYZ company" & footer under "ABC Company".
Hi Agrawal,

Kindly upload a sample file, it will easier to follow if you provide a sample file. or at-least layout of what do you want to see.

1. https://rapidshare.com/files/629784523/Sale CounterV00912.xls

2. https://rapidshare.com/files/683782091/LinkV0912.xls

3. https://rapidshare.com/files/735462845/PMCvPAA0912.xls

4. https://rapidshare.com/files/1551893013/LinkMthV0912.xls

5. https://rapidshare.com/files/1332496711/GrossMargin0812.xls