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Stochastic Oscillato for stocks

The following formula is used to calculate for stochastic oscillator. Do you know if this is available where I can download?


%K = 100 ( C - L14) / ( H14 - L14)

%D = SMA3 ( %K )

%K = Fast Stochastic, %D = Slow Stochastic

C = Latest close

L14 = Lowest close of the 14 previous trading session

H14 = Highest close of the 14 previous trading session

SMA3 = Simple Moving Average for 3 days
Hi, jackmanjls!

Just google "Stochastic Oscillato" without quotes and click on the first link, in my case, http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:stochastic_oscillator

There you have an Excel to download.

And advise which stocks should I buy and sell each day... during... 2 years maybe? :)
