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Start macro from current cell


New Member
I created a macro for some data in rows 1 - 20 beginning in A1.

I want to repeat the macro for additional sets of data that appear below the first set (rows 21 - 40, 41 - 60 etc)

When i invoke the macro it goes back to A1 and messes up what i just fixed.

How could i get the macro to repeat automatically from the first cell of the next set below it?

Then how do I get it to stop once it runs out of cells with data? I don't know visual basic but I could add the command to the macro in Edit mode.

thank you!
Hi ,

It would be easier to suggest a solution , if you can post the macro you have created.

Basically , instead of starting from A1 , the macro would do what you want it to do , if you could search for the first empty cell in column A , and then do whatever is to be done , starting from that cell. When the worksheet is blank , this will be cell A1 ; when data is present in rows 1 through 20 , it will start from A21.

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Hi, jomats!

Adding my two cents to what NARAYANK991 wrote, maybe this snippet helps you in searching the first empty row in column A:


iFirstBlankRow = Iif(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value="", 1, ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row + 1


Hi Jomats,

I guess you have created the MACRO by recording, and its the best way to learn Macro.

Try to activate Developer Ribbon (if not in the ribbon).. Google how to activate Developer Ribbon :).

In the Developer Menu > Code > Use Relative Reference , Click on this button, before start recording.

Try to record the macro.

Now whenever you run the macro, it will do the desire result, but from the current cell, according to your recoding..

