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start and end date formula...for week wise and for the month


Dear Friends,

Im fail get the week wise week's start and end date in the cell, it should be dependent on the month. for e.g.

Considering for the May-2012

week1 01-05

week2 06-12

week3 13-19

week4 20-26

week5 27-31

Month will be adjustable and on that basis week1, wee2 etc. dates should be change as per calender.

pls help
You might take a look at how Chandoo built his calendar.


It uses some of the same techniques you would need to determine dates for each week.
Hi Ajinkya ,

You can try the following to see if it is what you are looking for :

1. Assume your reference date ( month entered as a date ) is in A1 ; assume the week ends on a Saturday ( day 7 ).

2. In cell A5 ( just an example , you can choose any other cell ) , enter 1 , since the first day of the first week will always be 1.

3. In cell B5 , enter the following formula as an array formula ( using CTRL SHIFT ENTER ) :

Copy the above formula downwards in column B as far as you wish , say 6 rows.

4.  In cell A6 , and thereafter in column A ( say the next 6 rows ) , enter the following formula :

The formula in (3) above uses the named range Day_of_month referring to the formula :

