I need to standardize filenames and also add account numbers to the end of each name.
Currently, there are 20 directories, with pdf files in each directory. The names are currently in the form of "Lastname, Firstname Date.pdf", such as "Smith, John 100112.pdf". However, these vary in several ways. The name portion can vary by "Smith, John", "Smith, J.", "Smith J" "Smith,J.". The Date portion is in MMDDYY format, varying by "010112", "01.01.12", and "1.01.2012". Some files have the word "sig" at the end, and they are not to be renamed (e.g. "Smith, J. 010112 sig.pdf". I'm figuring on standardizing these to "Smith, J. 101012", but if there's a better idea then I'm open to it.
Now, on top of standardizing these, I need to append the account number to the end of the filename, so it would show "Smith, J. 010112_1111.pdf". There is a table of names in a spreadsheet, with Account in the A column, Lastname in B, Firstname in C.
Any ideas on what I can do here?
I'm not very familiar with Excel, I was picked to do this because of my experience with Java and C back in college.
Currently, there are 20 directories, with pdf files in each directory. The names are currently in the form of "Lastname, Firstname Date.pdf", such as "Smith, John 100112.pdf". However, these vary in several ways. The name portion can vary by "Smith, John", "Smith, J.", "Smith J" "Smith,J.". The Date portion is in MMDDYY format, varying by "010112", "01.01.12", and "1.01.2012". Some files have the word "sig" at the end, and they are not to be renamed (e.g. "Smith, J. 010112 sig.pdf". I'm figuring on standardizing these to "Smith, J. 101012", but if there's a better idea then I'm open to it.
Now, on top of standardizing these, I need to append the account number to the end of the filename, so it would show "Smith, J. 010112_1111.pdf". There is a table of names in a spreadsheet, with Account in the A column, Lastname in B, Firstname in C.
Any ideas on what I can do here?
I'm not very familiar with Excel, I was picked to do this because of my experience with Java and C back in college.