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Staff Rota


New Member

I'm trying to put together a staff rota. Currently I complete a manual excel spreadsheet and insert the shifts. However, I would like to make this as automated as possible.

There are 64 staff members, some of who work part time and so their hours and days off are already defined, however of the remaining staff there are only 3 shifts that need covering, 9am-5pm, 12pm-8pm and Staurdays 9am-4pm. Ideally, the 12pm-8pm will only have 4 people per day working it and the Saturday 9am-4pm will have 6 people working it. Everyone else will work 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.

So basically, I would like to randomise the 12-8 shifts and Saturday's so there are distributed fairly over each month or rolling 4 weeks.

Hope this makes sense, thanks.
There's a small problem that occurs when "random" meets "fair". Truly random choosing doesn't not necessarily mean everyone works an even amount. One person can end up working more than others. The other extreme is not random at all, where everyone just "slides" down shedule. First 4 people work 12-8, and next 6 work 9-4. Next week, 2 of the previous 6 are still on 9-4, the group of 4 people move to the 9-4 shift, and 4 new people go on the 12-8. Repeat each week.

Can you elaborate on what kind of system you'd like to see, or will the basic slide system work? Downside of the slide system is that the same people keep working together (may be bad or good, depending).
Thanks for the reply. I think the basic slide system would be ok. It doesn't matter about staff members working the same shifts. I guess doing it manually as I do now isn't that different from the slide system.
