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Splitting text string from 1 cell into 2 cells


New Member
Here is my situation: I have a few thousand lines of data, so I need a way to automate this or I will be here til I retire!

One of the columns has an address (123 Main St Anytown CA) which is followed by a contact person (not sure why the guy who made this put all that in one cell). All of the addresses end in "CA", so my question is: Is there a way to separate the address and the contact person, using "CA" as the common divider?

123 Main St Anytown CA Bob Smith (213)555-1212 (current layout)

123 Main St Anytown CA | Bob Smith (213)555-1212 (how I need it to be)

Oh and if it matters, I am using Excel 2010

Thank you-

The NonGuru
Is the "|" another cell, or did you want to split it IN cell?

If IN cell, assume text is in B2

In B3:=FIND("CA",B2)

In B4: =LEFT(B2,B3+1)&" | "&RIGHT(B2,B3+2)

not sure how you can join these two formulas, but coincidentally, I was just practicing this stuff!

If you want them in separate cells then in

B1 =LEFT(A1,FIND(" CA ",A1)+3)


C1 =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-(FIND(" CA ",A1)+3))
Sorry my "|" meant a new cell... Should have stated that on the onset. Yes I want to separate the text string in one cell into 2 different cells.