Dear sir,
I have created two sheets in a sheet, there is a list of "Name" and the second has a "Base" sheet. So I'm trying to put a list of each "Name" in every base sheet, separately. (As if we send letters to different person but the same matter)
As the code works but there are some errors in this code it does not make this the complete list so please give new code..
Thank you for the advance
I have created two sheets in a sheet, there is a list of "Name" and the second has a "Base" sheet. So I'm trying to put a list of each "Name" in every base sheet, separately. (As if we send letters to different person but the same matter)
As the code works but there are some errors in this code it does not make this the complete list so please give new code..
Sub Seprate()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim b As String
Dim e As String
Dim s As Integer
b = "A1"
e = Range(b).End(xlDown).Address
For Each Cell In Range(b, e)
s = Sheets.Count
Sheets("Base").Copy After:=Sheets(s)
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Cell.Value
Next Cell
End Sub
Thank you for the advance