Thanks pecoflyer. That worked.In E3 and pulled down as neededCode:=VLOOKUP($B3,$H$3:$I$6,2,0)*($D3/SUMPRODUCT(--($B$3:$B$32=$B3)*$D$3:$D$32))
Hey pecoflyer.Thanks pecoflyer. That worked.
Really appreciate your help.
Hey pecoflyer,Do you need EmpId AND Name or only EmpId?
Using XLOOKUPCode:=XLOOKUP(1,($I$3:$I$6=$A3)*($J$3:$J$6=$B3),$K$3:$K$6)*($D3/SUMPRODUCT(--($B$3:$B$32=$B3)*($A$3:$A$32=$A3)*$D$3:$D$32))
May be the shortest one to work withHello pecoflyer,
Really appreciate your help Sir.
=SUMIFS($K$3:$K$6, $I$3:$I$6, $A3, $J$3:$J$6, $B3) * ($D3 / SUMIFS($D$3:$D$32, $B$3:$B$32, $B3, $A$3:$A$32, $A3))
Your I want to split employee wages based on the hours worked on each project.
Isn't Your want then something like below?
... on each project
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