Hi Experts,
Lets me write in simple. I have two dates and want split this range in "N" number slots.
First date
If i split this range in 30 equal step i get a step of 9.1. Date can not be incremented in friction without considering time value. i tried using round up or round down i get 9 or 10 while will lead me a different end date after 30 steps which is fixed.
I need to split this date range in "N" number of slots ensuring that:
1) Step should be of ~equal size ( it can roundoff to get the integer number)
2) No date should be missed
3) First date & end date should be matched
Lets me write in simple. I have two dates and want split this range in "N" number slots.
First date
Last date 10-Oct-12
If i split this range in 30 equal step i get a step of 9.1. Date can not be incremented in friction without considering time value. i tried using round up or round down i get 9 or 10 while will lead me a different end date after 30 steps which is fixed.
I need to split this date range in "N" number of slots ensuring that:
1) Step should be of ~equal size ( it can roundoff to get the integer number)
2) No date should be missed
3) First date & end date should be matched