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sorting groups for a competition


New Member
Hi! I would like to know how to create a program that will sort 22 teams of 5 people each for 4 rounds of a game that does not allow anyone from their original

team of 5 to play each other and does not allow anyone to play against anyone else more than once. Hope this makes sense Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Wright ,

I think more details are required before anyone can proceed ; since 22 teams of 5 people each is an unwieldy number , let us start with 10 , so that we have 2 teams of 5 each.

If we assume that people A through E are in one team , and people F through J are in the second team , in the first round Team 1 ( consisting of people A through E ) plays Team 2 ( consisting of people F through J ).

What happens thereafter ? Can the teams be reorganized ? Otherwise , the words you have used in your post "....game that does not allow anyone from their original team of 5 to play each other ..." is not explainable.

Can you please clarify ?

Hi Wright,

Not sure if this is the answer, but look at the attached link and all posts about the subject of sorting and pairing people

