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Sorting data in decending order (including negative data)


New Member

I have gone into some headaches while trying to sort out a list of sales figures (include losses). I have tried a few techniques such as Large formula and macro, but both ignored the negatives.

Sample data as follows:

Shop 1 534

Shop 2 453

Shop 3 987

Shop 4 -243

Shop 5 364

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Good day juihs

The sort and filter on the ribbon (in 2010) will do this, your negative numbers will come first if you select smallest to largest as they are the smallest numbers, if you want then at the end of the sorted column select largest to smallest
Try this.


Just move the $A$4:$A$85 range to your sales list. but Leave the "$BF$1:BF1" alone.