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Sort members


Well-Known Member
I have a sort problem.
I need to sort a huge list of members, I want to sort them from A to Z but
the same adresses should stay together sorted on the first name.
See simple example.


  • Sort chandoo.xlsm
    17.6 KB · Views: 1
Hi Vletm, thanks for your reply.
When I push the button alef and vrouw alef are not together but the should and Filiep and lydie also (same adress)
see example


  • Sort chandoo.xlsm
    20.4 KB · Views: 1
This keeps c-column values together.
if b-column values should be 'sorted' other ways .. it needs more code.


  • Sort chandoo (1).xlsm
    20.1 KB · Views: 2
Yes B column has to be sorted from A to Z, If the adres is the same then the B column has to be sorted from A to Z on the first name in the alphabet.
Belle Chandoostreet 3 Sidney

Vletm Chandoostreet 3 Sidney

In this case sort from A to Z in column B but because adres is the same Belle and Vletm has to stay togheter but Belle is the first because B comes for V
( It is all about sorting from A to Z but relatives with same adres sorted togheter)