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Sod - for different user with different limits for different activities.


I have tried to logically clearly explain the SOD analysis I need.

I need a SOD analysis - which for me is vital, but too complicated, hence reaching out for simple soultions.

There are 4 activities and these are different columns in the file.

OCR: - we want to check it is Global
AP Processor: (activity is per limits - based on the "lower limit" to the "upper limit") - here we see two numbers numbers needed for the analysis
AP Validator: (activity is per limits - based on the "lower limit" to the "upper limit" - - here we see two numbers needed for the analysis
Down Payments: only on limit

I need please logic that looks to see if there is any user (based on userID) who

Scenario 1

1. has OCR = Global
2. and where AP Processor and AP Validator limit ranges that OVERLAP. eg. AP processor is 1000 to 2000 and the AP Validator is 1500 to 2000 - here they would overlap and would contribute to an SOD if the OCR is global.

Scenario 2

1. has OCR = Global
2. AP Processor and AP Validator has limit ranges that match
3. and has down-payment limit number is in the range in #2 above for both .

If user has a conflict. just to highlight the username in column B in red. -this is a unique user.

Thank you,
I know it complicated.

Refer to column C in the attach file.


  • SOD - SAP - Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.xlsx
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