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Slicer to Present Different Chart Separately

Doli Noviedo

New Member
Hello everyone,

I have a simple problem but I couldn't find the solution. So I really need your help.

Please have a look at the attached file. Basically the file shows list of problems found in a factory. Based on the data, I created a pivot table and pivot chart to represent the data. In the pivot table, I created a list of duration and frequency of occurrence of the problems, and I made the pivot chart to show how long the problems persist (duration) and how often they occur (frequency).

I really want to make a slicer that is able to present the duration and frequency of problems separately (not presented in the same chart). Is there any way to do that?

Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.


  • Problem-1.xlsx
    28.5 KB · Views: 3
Hi Doli, and welcome to the forums! :awesome:

I don't think you can have a slicer toggle which series is displayed...at least not with the original data setup. Easiest answer I would propose is to just copy the chart, and change the formatting. In the attached, I copied the chart. In first, formatted first series to no fill, and moved it to secondary axis. Then hid secondary axis. Add a title, remove legend.

In second chart, same thing, but with other series. Now you can see both items at same time, but the size distortion is removed.


  • Answer - 1.xlsx
    31.1 KB · Views: 10