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Slicer & Pivot Tables


Hi Friends,

I have been stuck in a problem and have been looking for solution for quite some time. I have tried reaching out to my friends and also did some searching on Google but was not able to find the solution. It will be of great help if someone can help me out.

I have an excel file which has a normal pivot table and another one as a Data Model pivot table. Right now if I use a slicer I need two slicer. Is there a way I can just create one slicer to change the month and it will update both the pivot tables.
A slicer only works on multiple pivots when these pivots share the same picot cache (normal pivots) or the same data model.

You can add the raw data of your normal pivot into the data model and make a calender table so the time dimension is shared across your model. Making the slicer on that table will then do what you are after.

But depending on your data structure this can be easy or hard, or maybe even impossible.