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Hi there SirJB7

I have completed the reversal process of the Data with a formula provided by Narayank991 it did the trick. I thanked him and also yourself for your time and trouble with my next post.Anyway once again I thank you for time and hope to hear from you again.Have a good day and a brilliant life.

Hi, guitarman!

I've read the whole post and I must thank your kind words and I'm glad that you achieved the main goal: solving your issue.

Just tried to find a way to explain you that the first formula posted worked fine -as you can text with the uploaded file-, so when reading that it didn't work for you I intended to provide you with a full example, not with the objective you convince you to choose one proposal instead of another (precisely the variety you may find among different posts it's what'd lead you to a solution's enrichment) but with the only of showing you how to correct whatever thing you might have misunderstood previously when applying it to your real data, if any.

See you in your next topic.
