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Simplest method for distributing xlam files.



Any tips on the best way to roll these out to a team?

I have an xlam with a small number of macros in them. It's just been myself using them and I have just used add ins, tick the box, create custom ribbon, add each macro in individualy etc.

There must be an easier way for this I'm guessing. If I roll an addin out to a small team, then a week later want to update or add some functionality, idealy I just want to drop that addin into a folder and hey presto they team has the new tools at their disposal when opening excel. A ribbon with their team's tools ready for use without a multi step process each individual would have to go through and which not all users might be happy to or comfortable doing.

Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Hi, Wulluby!

If team mates use the same corporate or educational network, why not asking the IT support to do the job?

Can you copy it to a shared network device which they all have access?

Email them with an instructions how-to-install&use document?

There are many ways, the best always is the safer and quickly. Consider the first one. And don't tell them there is beer available, just orange juice.

Hmm, I've seen an addin that once added will auto appear in an Addin ribbon although that seemed to be a more form based macro, so I think it can be done I just don't know how they've done it.

I shall keep trying.
It's done in the xml files within the excel file for anyone else trying to do this.

Just rename from .xlsx to .zip, unzip, add a customUI folder and then enter a line in the _rels xml to point at it. Rezip and rename and it'll be there.

I have it working on a workbook but have to test on an xlam to ensure it works the same way before checking if I can share out the one file that can be updated from one source with new updates.

The line on the _rel file I entered was:

<Relationship Id="customUI" Type="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/relationships/ui/extensibility" Target="customUI/customUI.xml" />

And the file customUI held something along the lines of

- <customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui">

- <ribbon>

- <tabs>

- <tab id="customUI" label="customUI">

- <group id="customUI" label="customUI">

<button id="customUI" label="customUI" screentip="Brief description for the user to see when hovering mouse over the button." onAction="customUI_ClickHandler" />






For above customUI_ClickHandler needs a macro called the same to run. Names above have been changed to protect the innocent.

This find was courtesy of a lot of googling and fracta.net.
Hi ,

Have you checked out the following ?

1. http://www.excelguru.ca/content.php?152

2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140968(v=office.10).aspx

3. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140962(v=office.10).aspx

Seems to work well with an XLAM, think I just need to read up on working version control into the code, those links will do for starts. Thanks.