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Sigma Function


New Member
I can not find anywhere on the internet a way to do a simple sigma summation in excel.


Not as complex as the equation above, but a simple multiplication:

rvrr 50*n

$50 late fee that is assessed again in each subsequent month the monthly payment isn't not paid.

n=1 I = 50*1 =50
n=2 II = 50*2 =100
n=3 III = 50*3 =150
n=4 IIII = 50*4 =200

where n is 1 is 50. 50
where n is 2 is 150. 50+100
where n is 3 is 300. 50+100+150
where n is 4 is 500. 50+100+150+200
where n is 5 is 750. 50+100+150+200+250


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The values you show would be returned by the 365 formula
= SCAN(0, 50*SEQUENCE(n), LAMBDA(acc,k, acc+k))

or, in future,

= SCAN(0, 50*SEQUENCE(n), SUM)
Or this (where A1 contains your n number):
