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Showing profit or loss on a pie chart


New Member
Has anyone found a novel way to show profit/loss on a pie chart IE

Year 1 Pie chart turnover £25M Profit £-5M

Year 2 Pie chart turnover £30M Profit £4M

Also, can the diameter of the pie be scaled to say the turnover value?

This is my first post, so be lucky!
Negative numbers in a pie chart? I don't think so!

Also, if you want to show a trend (year on year) then a pie chart isn't your man. Pie charts (if you use them at all, but that's another story) are standalones, for parts-of-a-whole, such as a breakdown of your customer base between domestic and export, for example.

I would keep it simple and use a line graph for what you're trying to show, with one line for turnover and another for P&L
Ditto on what juanito said.

Either do one long time scale showing profit loss, or plot multiple years on one Jan-Dec scale (makes it easy to see if we're doing as good this month as we did last year)