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Showing line plot on X axis


New Member
Anyone else have trouble with line graphs interacting with the X-axis?

For example, I've got volumes on Y, and time on X. If volume is 0 for one date in time, then the point is on the X axis. If there are two consecutive dates with volume of 0 then the graph line runs across the x axis. However, the line never displays. It only shows the axis line. No matter what I do to change the axis color or grid lines I can't get the line graph to display "on top" of the axis.

Any solution?
Make your minimum value for the axis as -1 in the chart options

This will put your axis below 0 which will let you see the line graph.
Montrey - yep, that's a good idea but then it doesn't make the graph look all that clean. I've got values that could never be below 0 so showing below zero on the axis label seems irrelevant.

I guess I could do a custom axis and set the -1 value as text to kill the awkwardness.
