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Showing certain rows on separate sheet to master sheet depending on drop down list selection


New Member

I have a situation I need help with.

I trying to create a property maintenance spreadsheet.

There are 10 properties which are chosen from a list. Next to this is then written the issue, cost, etc.

I would like to be able to have a separate sheet for each property as well as the master sheet. Is there a way this can be done.

I thought of simply copy and pasting the master sheet to each separate property sheet and filtering the list to show just one property....however i don't know how to auto update the other sheets when the master sheet is changed!

your advice would be most appreciated!

I have a situation I need help with.

I trying to create a property maintenance spreadsheet.

There are 10 properties which are chosen from a list. Next to this is then written the issue, cost, etc.

I would like to be able to have a separate sheet for each property as well as the master sheet. Is there a way this can be done.

I thought of simply copy and pasting the master sheet to each separate property sheet and filtering the list to show just one property....however i don't know how to auto update the other sheets when the master sheet is changed!

your advice would be most appreciated!

can you post a sample worksheet ??