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Show legend only when series is selected.


New Member
I have used the options shown in this website to have graphs that show when a box is checked. Problem is that excel legend does not change accordingly. Example persons can check whether they want to see a trendline or the target figures. If the tick box for target is unchecked, excel still has the legend colour corresponding to target still showing. How do I get around this?
Is the legend really necessary? Perhaps there's someway get rid of it and still make it clear what's on the chart. Maybe put the "legend" next to the choices the user selects. (color the choices their respective colors?) That way, there would be a correlation of "If I want to see the red target line, it will be the red line on the chart".
Luke M: Thanks for your suggestion. I removed the legend. I placed a data label at the end and edited it with the word "Actual" and "Target" and coloured the words appropriately.