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Shortcut key for auto serial number



I have downloaded data from other system to excel and have physical invoice which is not serially as per downloaded data, to arrange serially data i am finding invoice no and add serial no to helper column I for sorting assending order in lot of 200.

as data is huge around 20000-25000 i have to remember previous serial no. to input next no, to avoid any duplicate no or skip no. is there any formula vba code which if i assign any shortcut key like "+" and enter auto serial no like 1 ..2..3..200 so on will add in column I


if 1st invoice no find in cell E25 and serial no in colume I25 input as 1 and next value find in E1100 i will input shortcuy key like "+" in I1100 instead of no 2..3..4

pls help
Hi DingDang,

as i understood you just want to give serial number if there is any value in columnE and itshould not be duplicate & you dont want to skip any number.

please share sample file for the same.



yes, I just want any shortcut key which give auto serial no in colum I instead of inputting manually after finding value in column E.
If you dont have any criteria then you may use below function in cell J2


or you may also follow below link of macro enabled file with shortcut command

