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setting Parameter in Power query


I am using Fuzzy matching for two tables comparison(Vlookup) . In threshold similarity field 0.80 is default set value. Can we create parameter for this threshold so by changing values to 0.75, 0.70, 0.90 etc the results of tables comaprison be changed. And I want this parameter to be placed on excel sheet so user can change it from there itself by either choosing from list(data validation list ) or by manually typing 0.70, 0.90, 0.75 etc.
Yes sir, I saw it and applied , but all these examples show parameter from data table, I want to create parameter of power query inbuilt feature of Fuzzy Join -like Number Of Matches , there is Threshold - a number between 0.00 to 1.00. Can we create a parameter table or list with the values between 0.00 to 1.00 and use it as while applying Fuzzy join?
Thank you!!
I don't understand. Perhaps you can provide a sample data with what you are asking so that we can see and understand what you want.
I tried to follow the video & article you posted. I got error of Formula.Firewall error, rebuild your query etc. Googling it I found that privacy level should be ignored to resolve it. & I am happy I could resolve my parameter issue. Thank you!!
Thank you so much !!