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Service Reminder template


Hi Expert

My boss assign me the new project for which I required to design the template but I am not skilled in excel I need expert help; I have attached the sheet for reference it is self explanatory.

Thank for any help


  • Chandoo.Service Reminder.xlsx
    11.7 KB · Views: 12
Hi Areif

If I understand correctly your problem, the formula for cell G7 should be:


You can copy it down column G for the remaining customers.

For column J, you can put this formula in cell J7:


And copy it down columns J for the remaining customers and copy it to the remaining columns (M, P, etc...)

Hope it helps


Thanks Nuno for your help , but its not working in cell G7 after apply your formula result is not true . as we i have given in illustration
Please recheck
Hi Areif,

You have what I believe to be a typo in your cell F7, as it is in your example workbook.

You have 55000 KM for the first service of client A when it should in reality by 5500 KM.

With 5500 KM my formula returns october 9th 2014, as it should.

Hope it helps