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Serious bugginess in the latest Excel update: Application-defined error


Active Member
Today I continue developing an application for a client and I'm suddenly encountering various errors. I'm a little terrified about it because it seems like the problem is in the latest Excel update; I'm hoping someone will tell me I'm wrong and it's something I can fix.

1) A class method that worked yesterday is now unfindable to Excel: My statement reads simply "omdl.Fill", and at compile time (before execution begins) Excel says that method cannot be found. It's still right there.

2) I commented that statement out in order to go on testing, but: At the beginning of the run I save a number of properties including ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks. Today when it gets to that statement, I get "application-defined or object-defined error". I can see the DisplayPageBreaks property in the Watches window, but when I ask to have it displayed in the Immediate window it gives the same error.

3) I commented that out, too, and Excel gave me the same error at another early statement, "Set ocs = ows.Cells" (where ows is a worksheet).

I conclude something is drastically wrong. Is anyone else having problems after updating? I'm using Office Pro Plus 2019.
Never mind. I started a new worksheet and did a few of those things, and am having no problem. The workbook itself must have been corrupted in some way; I'll have to recreate it piece by piece. Sigh.

If you do start having similar problems, let me know, just in case.
I suppose you are under 365 version …​
But whatever the version, when the weird, odd, is such obvious, close first Excel (bad memory management)​
and any other application which can be; sometimes Windows needs to be rebooted …​
When it's too late, damaged workbook, startin' from a new one …​
Yeah, did all that. Closed all Excel workbooks and started it up again; the error persisted. Then rebooted my PC from scratch; still the same error. Exported and re-imported all the modules; still the error. What finally got it: I saved the workbook as .xlsx, without any code, then opened it and reimported everything.

I'm a little surprised that worked; I'm not totally confident that the problem has gone away permanently. I thought I was going to have to save at least some of the worksheets as CSV and reconstruct their formatting. Maybe I still will have to do that, if the problem recurs. But it seems to be working now.
Not 365, I think; that's an annual subscription, right? I wouldn't sign up for that on purpose; I want to keep my software, not have it change without my permission.
LOL, took me this long to find one problem, at least. Normally I don't bother to declare most of my variables, but for this app I've started doing it for some of the major objects. I had "Dim omdl As Master", and later in the module "Set omdl = New Master". Then I changed the name of the class to M5471, and updated the Set statement. But I forgot that there was a Dim statement to do too. I just happened to see it, after laboring with what seemed to be a corrupted workbook.

That doesn't explain the other errors, though.