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sequential order and display functions required.


Please help me to find a solution to my requirements: Basically, I am needing of two functions

1) Function 1 is to make a sequential list based on the ID number. It starts as "Attachment0" onwards (from Attachment0 to Attachment30).
If number column has a similar value then 'attach' columns shows sequential order (from Attachment0 to Attachment30) otherwise just Attachment0

2) Function 2 is to display the "file name" cell value in its "AttachmentX" columns based on the "Attach" column.

Hope the attached sample explain it better. Please and thank you in advance.


  • freelancer-excel-1.xlsx
    11.8 KB · Views: 0
Hi ,

I am not sure what you mean by function ; see the attached file for formulae which do what you want.



  • freelancer-excel-1.xlsx
    12.5 KB · Views: 2
Big Thanks Narayanan. You got it right.. By the way, is there a way to have the result all in one row (see sample attached). result could be put in another worksheet or somewhere.


  • freelancer-excel-1 (2).xlsx
    13 KB · Views: 0