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Sequence amount


Active Member
Gentlemen, good morning.

I have one more problem to solve and I can't find a solution for Excel version 2016 and 365 not VBA explanation in the attached spreadsheet

Thank you very much in advance



  • Sequence.xlsx
    242.6 KB · Views: 12
In R4, array formula (CSE) copied across and down :


Edit :

If you wanted to fill blank value in the "Spacer Column", just added a IF checking function in front of the formula and become >>




  • Sequence (by).xlsx
    652.7 KB · Views: 4
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In R4, array formula (CSE) copied across and down
What a brilliant formula! Even taking into account the 'spacer' columns, and extending to sequences of 15 if needed.

I'm playing about with Power Query at the moment and because 'to a hammer, everything is a nail' I've come up with a PQ solution. The table at AE3 in the attached just needs a right-click then a click of Refresh to update. It produces the same results for the entire table, including one 14 sequence and a few other long sequences. This begs a question: @deciog has result columns for only up to 7 sequences, if there is a sequence, say of 10, does he want to see 4 sequences of 7 for that?, or none and one (invisible) sequence of 10?

ps. For this PQ solution to work properly the ID column (left-most) has to be distinct/unique.


  • Chandoo46253Sequence.xlsx
    302.7 KB · Views: 1
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@ p45cal, Good morning.

I also liked your solution, but I can't put it in the company they don't know how to use Power Query and VBA


but I can't put it in the company they don't know how to use Power Query

What about:
This begs a question: @deciog has result columns for only up to 7 sequences, if there is a sequence, say of 10, does he want to see 4 sequences of 7 for that?, or none and one (invisible) sequence of 10?
Currently, a sequence of 10 doesn't show at all; you have several sequences of 10 at 0058=, 0229= for example, and more.

Yes it has several strings, however in this case the player who hits up from 2 to 7 strokes will have a small benefit, I appreciate your help was great


Another method



Custom format 00;; to hide zero


  • Sequence.xlsx
    256.6 KB · Views: 3
Wizard, good afternoon.

The formula is not bringing the expected result, check cell R6 shows 4 the correct is 2, sequence 16.17 and 23.24, for cell AB6 the correct is 1 seq.

The formulas in cell AE4 through A33, is correct, works correctly.

Thank you hug

Minor change 1 to 3



  • Sequence.xlsx
    260 KB · Views: 4